Top Pfizer Executive Exposes Bioterror & mRna Birth Defects!

Project Vertitas is a very noble and reputable organization who’s brought down internet predators in the past with investigative journalism. They caught a Top Pfizer exec brag about gain of function aka directed mutations to make viruses more deadly. It’s so bad that when caught he starts a fist fight, and tries to destroy equipment as his world falls down around him. This is it. Now we know it is Bioterror, and Pfizer is pushing it:

44 MILLION People Know PFIZER HAS DONE BIO TERROR because Jordan Trishton Walker not only spilled the beans, he panicked and tried to destroy the filming equipment as his world caved in. 44 MILLION VIEWS!

Notice at how Jordan Trishton laughs at mass genocide and birth defects in vaccinated women, which… unfortunately are happening:

Fauci explains that he wanted money, was willing to shock the system with fear, break laws of any government to not beheld by them and no one will stop him. This is two months before Wuhan Covid patient 1:

Fauci Emails:

Bill Gates funded Wuhan lab UNTIL covid came out… you’d think he would have kept funding it for a symptom relief:

It’s certainly bioterrorism at this point, from Red China. Don’t take any more boosters. Don’t take any rna vax. In fact I would recommend boycotting the flu vaccine unless you really need it. Pfizer doesn’t need any more money. We know they’re very very very bad guys.

UPDATE! Google censored Project Vertitas on youtube as they have done on me many times, then abused power to get police to silence their First Amendment Press Privileges:

The follow up vid: where Google Illegally uses the police to censor freedom of the press.

Followup 2/14/2023: Pfizer has illegally forced drug trials on people before harming them:

Advice for living: Spike proteins, the type that the mRNA vax produces and messes up your organs thankfully only live as long as your cells in your body. Most cells in your body regenerate within months/years, the exception being neurons and heart cells which unfortunately only regenerate 1% per year meaning everyone who took the mRNA vax will have a permanently injured heart and impacted brain the rest of their lives. I’m not saying this to scare you, but to help us live with it. As you know other organs functioning less effectively for the short term can cause system disturbances in your body which can cause cascade/chain reaction effects if not treated. One way of getting better from mRNA system shock is to take it easy,less stress for the next 1-4 years. Avoid alcohol, drugs or anything that will poison your system. Most of your cells can and will regenerate, but in the short term of 1-4 years, avoid unnecessary and excess stress of very large projects or endeavors.